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jeudi 14 mars 2013

Say 'Yes' : Lessons from Sir Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Group

Sir Richard Branson

"Entrepreneurs invest in people and give them the freedom to create amazing things. Entrepreneurs are people who say yes to impossible dreams, and then enjoy trying to make them happen. They are the kind of people who say: "The answer is yes - now what was the question?" I love that approach and hope many of you will leave here today imbued with that positive attitude. 

Having the will to say ‘screw it, let’s do it’ and make things happen is what sets entrepreneurs apart. It takes bravery to start a business, but people with enterprising spirit who seize chances when they come along will be the ones who drive the economy and make a difference in the future. "

This text is an excerpt from Sir Richard Branson's speech at the Commonwealth Day Observance in Westminster Abbey. Read the entire speech here  

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