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mardi 8 mai 2012

How to make the best out of your internship

By Jeannyfar L. Gelpcke

  • Listen & observe: you can learn soooooo much from how organisations/ people/ companies/ industries work by just looking what they are doing, hear what they say to each other and then adapt that into your working repertoire.
  • Make the best out of it: not all internships are going to be fun or challenging or interesting or long enough or even relevant BUT there is ALWAYS something you can take out of it ... It's to you to find out.
  • Be honest: make sure you know your strengths and weaknesses and if you don't know something, admit it! Do not try to front and then deliver bad results. Most people are understanding and if they know what your weaknesses are they can even help you to target those points and improve your skills.
  • And last but most importantly, make contacts!!! It's so important to build relationships with people in the industry, not just because they will be able to recommend you to other employers but also because they are your direct link to the industry, keep you up to date about what is important and you never know when you need a favour from a fellow colleague ...

 Jeannyfar L. Gelpcke has a BA Media & Communication with a focal point on PR. She Got extensive PR internships experience in UK, Austria, Germany and Switzerland. She is now completing her MSc degree in Marketing Communication. Follow her at @Jeannyfar

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