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jeudi 14 mars 2013

Say 'Yes' : Lessons from Sir Richard Branson, Founder Virgin Group

Sir Richard Branson

"Entrepreneurs invest in people and give them the freedom to create amazing things. Entrepreneurs are people who say yes to impossible dreams, and then enjoy trying to make them happen. They are the kind of people who say: "The answer is yes - now what was the question?" I love that approach and hope many of you will leave here today imbued with that positive attitude. 

Having the will to say ‘screw it, let’s do it’ and make things happen is what sets entrepreneurs apart. It takes bravery to start a business, but people with enterprising spirit who seize chances when they come along will be the ones who drive the economy and make a difference in the future. "

This text is an excerpt from Sir Richard Branson's speech at the Commonwealth Day Observance in Westminster Abbey. Read the entire speech here  

lundi 11 mars 2013

Oh Monday!

"Oh Monday!
Will you ever changed?
Be a happy, exciting, amazing day like your sister Friday?
Will you ever wear the color of a carefree day, even for an only, a unique Monday?"

Sorry, for the bad kind of a poem above. I'm feeling tired today yet have so much to do on my list.

Talking about my list, let see...

  • Meeting with the boss
  • Publish 2 ambassadors messages on PNB blog
  • Finalize nominations form for Milestone Awards - PNB w
  • Write letters to authorities - Fashion Day Bamenda
  • Research for "Let Connect" Program (Program to connect with journalists and broaden my network)
  • Send out letters to PNB ambassadors
  • Etc.
Alright, not so bad for a Monday. It could be worse.
Writing is a big part of my job. I sometimes feel like I write all the day: letters, press releases, notes, posts, tweets, etc. 
It never ends.
However, I love my job. I mean, what other job can enable you to do so much different things in a single day? 

Keep buzzing



vendredi 8 mars 2013

My 5 favorite PR blogs and websites

You can learn a lot about the PR industry and practice online. It's always great to get tips and advices from established and experienced professionals.  It's free and very useful.  This is my list of 5 favorite PR blogs and websites (Not in order). 

This website insightful writings help me a lot throughout my internship and beyond.
Discovered Brad Phillips blog lately and can't get enough of his posts.
This very-well written blog's advice can be useful beyond the fashion industry
Especially for Rich Leigh's weekly "Good and Bad PR".
Oh Boy, How funny is this blog! The tagline says it all " First world problems of PR pros".

What are your favorite PR websites and blogs?

Happy Women's Day 2013!!

To all the women of the world,
Beautiful and strong,
Happy Women's Day

Love You


To - Do Today (TDT)

Here is my TDT:

  • Publish PNB Ambassador message on Project New Bamenda Blog
  • Write form for Milestone Awards nominations
  • Meeting with the boss
  • Publish 5 favorite PR blogs and website on blog
  • Publish TDT on blog
  • Make bloggers list to pitch and prepare communication materials for them
  • Send out more requests for PNB Ambassors
  • Wish Happy Women's Day on Blog and Twitter

Have a nice day busy bees!



mercredi 6 mars 2013

To - Do Today (TDT)

Hi Everyone!

Busy day ahead of me today. Here's what on my TDT list:
  1. Publish Sahndra Fon Dufe's message on Project New Bamenda (PNB) Blog in the morning
  2. Publish Venan's message on PNB blog in the afternoon
  3. Find ideas for other posts on PNB blog
  4. Write sponsorship Proposals for 'Fashion Day - Bamenda', event organized by Kibonen|NY and Cameroon Fashion CIG on March 23rd 
  5. Send Pictures and press kit for the PNB website
  6. Work with graphic designer on flyer and invitation for 'Fashion Day - Bamenda'
  7. Write and send letter for schools targeted for the models casting to be held on 'Fashion Day- Bamenda'
  8. Publish post in "Life and Times..." Blog
What's on your TDT list guys? Share with me on comments zone.
Nice day



p.s: See? I added Facebook comments box? Was tricky because of this html language but did it! Yeah!

New Job!

I'm now working for Kibonen|NY and Cameroon Fashion CIG since 21 days.

Kibonen|NY Logo

Kibonen|NY is an African fashion brand that fuses the cultural embroideries of the North West Region of Cameroon, the 'Toghu', with contemporary and trendy designs.

Cameroon Fashion CIG Logo

I'm very excited by the work of the founder and head fashion designer of the brand, Kibonen Nfi. I worked with her as an intern one year ago and feel very honored and humbled that she chosed me as PR Executive for her brand and Cameroon Fashion CIG, the non-for profit organization she co-founded with David Nso, international model based in New York City to support, promote and contribute to the development of the industry of fashion in Cameroon.

Kibonen in her own design

That means, I'm in charge of the daily communication and Public Relations of the brand and the company, the event management including press conferences and promotional events such as private sales. I'm also in charge of the liaising with the medias and the brand reputation. Everyday, I pitch our story to the medias and try to get coverage from top medias houses, manage social medias, write all the communication materials: press releases, press kits, partnership proposals, etc.

But that's only the visible part of the iceberg. As DKNY PR Girl once said "Your job description should be a jumping off point"

We are currently working in a partnership with an Advertising and Communication agency, Think Tank Plus on a project named "Project New Bamenda". As stated in the press kit, "Project New Bamenda is a process of developing the economic atmosphere in the North West Region of Cameroon. It is designed to propel the Region into a new business and entertainment era to its full bloom."

Project New Bamenda Logo

Our role on Project New Bamenda is to raise public and media attention for the project. We already have had a press conference and the launching is scheduled to take place on March, 29th. No need to tell you the pressure we're working under, nor the load of work we all have right now. Added to my regular job for Kibonen|NY, that'a a lot of it! 

We recently launched a blog - designed and runned  by me - to keep people posted with behind the scenes stories of the project. You can peek it here  and tell me what you think.

There's a lot happening and I'm so excited to share it with you on this blog. Don't forget to follow me on Twitter at @MillyJody for more...