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mercredi 3 octobre 2012

Mea Culpa

Dear Readers, 

It's been a while since my last post and you may be were wondering where I was.

Before I give you an explanation, I would like to apologize for my absence and my silence. I'm sorry.

There was a lot going on. There have been a lot of changes in my life lately: place, job, friends, etc. Everything has changed. My last internship came to an end and I found myself at the crossroads. This time, I really had to decide which way I wanted my life to go. I have been hiding behind my circumstances for too long. I've never found myself smart enoug, bold enough, beautiful enough, creative enough (and many other adjectives) to dare going at the pursuit of my dreams. I've never even been courageous enough to voice them aloud.

But there are moments in life when you feel time has arrived, when your guts scream "Go!" and you can't do anything but follow your instinct and take the big dive. My moment came one month ago, when jobless and broke, I had to decide what to do next with my life. I realized that although I've learned a lot, I've never been  fully satisfied with all my internships. I've never practice my job the way I wanted to nor did I work into the field I really wanted to. I was afraid to be myself. I was afraid of my own dreams.

You know what Marilyn Monroe said : "Sometimes good things should fall apart so better things can fall together". I think I now understand what she meant. The ad agency I interned for had promised to hire me at the end of the trial period but they didn't. I was very disappointed. I didn't have any back-up plan. I wasn't expecting that swing. I was quite disgusted.

After a period of wavering, I had to decide and I did. Readers, I'm going entrepreneur. Yes guys, I've decided to launch my own project. I've teamed up with an amazing company to launch a startup that target freelancers. The unemployment rate is steadily increasing here in my country. I believe I can do something to help curb it with a platform that connects job seakers to small companies.

Instead of waiting to my dream job to come to me, I've decided to create it. I'm really thrilled by the days ahead of me. I can't wait for the whole project to come to life. It's taking shape and it's exciting.
I'll be telling you my journey as an entrepreneur in my posts here. I would like to share this experience with you. 

To end this post, please let me thank you. For everything. For being there, silent and invisible presence in my life, listening to me and encouraging me to go forward, to go further. I like to imagine that you're beside me,   cheering my success and wiping my tears, high fiving me or simply smiling to me.

Thank you very much. To each and every one of you.

