Copyright © Life And Times Of A PR Girl
Design by Dzignine
lundi 20 février 2012
"Be yourself; everyone else is already taken." 
Oscar Wilde

mercredi 15 février 2012

Valentines PR Love match

 On the occasion of the Valentine's day, @therealprmoment teamed up with @Firefly_Comms to match their fellow PR and comms professionals.

The original idea was immediately welcomed as many people - including me - joined in the game and answered the question "Why i love being in PR" on Twitter, using the Htag #PRlovematch. They were then paired up according to the similarity of their responses.

I was matched with @thisisthebigpic, a talented photographer who owns a company called The Bigger Picture. Both of us "love finding new ways in communicating" according to @Firefly_Comms.
I had a great fun and i won a new friend!

Life of a PR consultant by @TBoneGallagher

I found this so right that i wanted to share it with you!

 Does this picture speak to you?